Chapter 3 - Scoping the Business Problem - posted by Paramjeet Kaur Toor
Setting the Scope We have to understand business process and aim of organization to make a scope. we need to find what our owner is doing and how our product will benefit them. There are different parts of business that we should understand like "the Work" that define precise scope of work and parts of organization that are included in work. In addition, there is scope for owner's work that involve work that owner want to change or improve. Stakeholders Stakeholders are those who are interest in and affected by the output or result of project. Therefore, a single project involve many stakeholders to complete a project. For example sponsor, customer, suppliers, consultants, manager, opponents etc. Some of important stakeholder discussed below: The Sponsor: A sponsor is a person who represents owner's interest to other stakeholder and provide budget for developing the resources of project. It means sponsor pays for development of product. a project can not go ...